Get The Best Night's Sleep Starting Tonight  

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Here is what you’ll get

  • 6 On-Demand Modules: Your Personal Sleep Coach Training Videos: Watch Anytime, Anywhere

  • Make Your Sleep Habits Stick Step By Step Action Plan Video

  • Done For You Sleep Cheat Sheets and Get Energizing Sleep Checklists

  • The Most Important and Common Sleep Questions Answered

  • Squash Your Stress and Proven Get to Sleep Fast Techniques

Get The Best Night's Sleep 

Enroll now for $79 

  • Lisa H.

    "Dr. Milstein, this course was a gift to my health. I have struggled with sleep issues my whole life. After taking your course I had the best night sleep I have had in years. What you taught me helped me get back to sleep in the middle of the night. Thank you so much!"

  • Bill T.  

    "I suffer from chronic pain and it keeps me awake and wakes me up in the middle of the night. Your techniques have not only taught me to get deeper, but more restful sleep also it has helped lessen my pain. I feel like my body is getting the rest it needs. I feel like you have given me my life back. Thank you!"

Get The Best Night's Sleep To Wake Up Feeling Refreshed, Energized and Productive


Without Touching a Dangerous Sleeping Aid or Useless Supplement

  • Secure Payment

    We use a 256-bit encryption protocol to keep your private data secure at all time.

  • Customer Support


Here is what you’ll get

  • 6 On-Demand Modules: Your Personal Sleep Coach Training Videos: Watch Anytime, Anywhere

  • Make Your Sleep Habits Stick Step By Step Action Plan Video

  • Done For You Sleep Cheat Sheets and Get Energizing Sleep Checklists

  • The Most Important and Common Sleep Questions Answered

  • The Most Important and Common Sleep Questions Answered

  • Squash Your Stress and Proven Get to Sleep Fast Techniques

  • BONUS:  Live Virtual Q and A Call With Dr. Milstein

    (Your Questions Answered)

Get Started Today For Just $197

  • Lisa H.

    "Dr. Milstein, this course was a gift to my health. I have struggled with sleep issues my whole life. After taking your course I had the best night sleep I have had in years. What you taught me helped me get back to sleep in the middle of the night. Thank you so much!"

  • Bill T.

    "I suffer from chronic pain and it keeps me awake and wakes me up in the middle of the night. Your techniques have not only taught me to get deeper, but more restful sleep also it has helped lessen my pain. I feel like my body is getting the rest it needs. I feel like you have given me my life back. Thank you!" 

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